Learning and Development
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If You're Not Helping People Develop, You're Not Management Material

If You're Not Helping People Develop, You're Not Management Material | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Facilitating employee learning should be a non-negotiable competency.
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Growing Gap Between What Business Needs and What Education Provides

Growing Gap Between What Business Needs and What Education Provides | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
There are all sorts of reasons to get an education. It gives you perspective on the world, it makes you a complete person, and of course most importantly of all, it helps you build a career. Unfortunately this link between education and jobs seems to be breaking down. McKinsey just published a groundbreaking [...]
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How Great Companies Think Differently - HBR

How Great Companies Think Differently - HBR | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Instead of being mere money-generating machines, they combine financial and social logic to build enduring success.
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How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work

How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Learn how to manage time through organization, prioritizing, and scheduling your day from Entrepreneur.
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Laugh Track: How Humor Can Enhance Employee Productivity

Laugh Track: How Humor Can Enhance Employee Productivity | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
They say laughter is the best medicine, but did you also know it can enhance creativity and reduce stress in the workplace?
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5 Difficult People and How to Work With Them

5 Difficult People and How to Work With Them | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
I believe that people are the most stressful part of any job. That sounds harsh. After all, most people are the best part of any job, providing social interaction and supporting skills. But others... well, some are so difficult to …Read »
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The 10 strangest employee sick day excuses, 2014 edition

The 10 strangest employee sick day excuses, 2014 edition | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
As the winter season descends, more people start calling in sick. And you won't believe some of the excuses people have offered as reasons for taking the day off. A new CareerBuilder survey looks a...
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Is Your Company Bleeding Knowledge?

Is Your Company Bleeding Knowledge? | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
In the world of business, knowledge is currency. And, like currency, knowledge can seem scarce when you need it most — unless you’ve got something in the bank. That’s where knowledge management comes in. Just as libraries provide direct access to a world of information, knowledge management systems codify the collective [...]
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Dave Ulrich on the Future of Human Resources

Dave Ulrich on the Future of Human Resources | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Dave Ulrich Today, I spoke to Dave Ulrich, who is a Professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, a partner at the RBL Group, and Executive Director of the RBL Institute. His latest book is called HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human [...]
MindShare HR's insight:

Interesting article on the future of HR

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How Learning & Development Must Change: Three Challenges by Ara A. Ohanian : Learning Solutions Magazine

How Learning & Development Must Change: Three Challenges by Ara  A. Ohanian : Learning Solutions Magazine | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
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Technology Is No Threat If You Are a Learner

Technology Is No Threat If You Are a Learner | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Some of you are old enough to remember the lines from a popular Bob Dylan song from 1964, “The Times They Are A-Changin.” He was prescient beyond what even he could have imagined. Not only are times changing, but they are changing at a rate faster ...
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The Top 5 Workplace Time Traps

The Top 5 Workplace Time Traps | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Remember cartoon character George Jetson’s grueling two-hour workday, which earned him a deluxe apartment in the sky? Whatever happened to that future?
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The Effect of Communication Gap on the Achievement of Organizational Goal - ArticlesNG

Various authors have defined communication. In his own definition, John M.P. Fiffner saw communication as a galaxy of connotation, each of which is valuable and useful for its particular context. It is indeed common that the mere mention of world communication conjures pictures of the letters, telegram, radio, cables, telephone, TV etc. in the mind of the people in the street
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When Learning at Work Becomes Overwhelming

When Learning at Work Becomes Overwhelming | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Many skilled jobs require a considerable amount of learning while doing, but learning requirements have reached unrealistic levels in many roles and work situations today.
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Strategies for knowledge management

Strategies for knowledge management | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
As businesses expand and naturally organize themselves into teams, it can be easy for one side to lose site of the other, but clever knowledge management can help to prevent these so-called silos from
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Shifting HR From A Reactive Process to a Proactive Business Service

How do you take HR from being a reactive, transactional business process, to a strategic, proactive service delivering value to the organization? This was one of several interesting threads that came out of the Connected Enterprise 2011 conference held in Scottsdale this past weekend by analyst firm, Constellation Research Group. [...]
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Examples of Leading Change Management

Examples of Leading Change Management | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
"Change management" is a term used to describe significant alterations to an existing business model, philosophy or business approach, designed to improve a company’s overall ...
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The 17 worst terms HR can find on resumes

The 17 worst terms HR can find on resumes | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
There are 17 terms that HR pros and hiring managers have identified as major turn-offs on resumes. These terms were identified in a CareerBuilder survey conducted by Harris Poll and included respon...
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The problem is HR, not HR technology | ZDNet

The problem is HR, not HR technology | ZDNet | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Powerful Human Resources analytic tools were in abundance at the recent HR Technology show in Vegas. But can/will HR departments buy these solutions? Probably not -- unless the HR group itself changes.
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Understanding the HR “Y’s” and Why Nots of the Millennial Generation by Morne Swart

Understanding the HR “Y’s” and Why Nots of the Millennial Generation by Morne Swart | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Human Resources IQ - HR community offering human resource information, articles, podcasts & HR conferences. Join now.
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Afraid Of Networking? Tips To Make It Fun And Worthwhile

Afraid Of Networking? Tips To Make It Fun And Worthwhile | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Do you feel like running in the opposite direction whenever someone mentions the word, “networking?” Overcome your fear of networking by learning where to network, how to define your networking purpose, and tips to make attending networking events easier…
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The Red Hot Market for Learning Management Systems

The Red Hot Market for Learning Management Systems | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
The corporate learning management systems market is red hot. Why and where?
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Negativists: How to Identify and Handle Negativity at Work

Negativists: How to Identify and Handle Negativity at Work | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
An article discussing to address negative behavior in the workplace.
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