Are You Prepared For The Future Of Social Learning? | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |


Are You Prepared For The Future Of Social Learning?

by Krish Kupathil, Mobiliya


R = e –t/s where R is retention, T is time and S is strength. A formula detailing a chemical reaction, or the new math behind a social media outreach strategy? Actually, an expression of the ability to remember, discovered by the German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus. Known as the famous Forgetting Curve, it hypothesized the decline of memory retention over time. In fact we now know that 50 percent of formal learning is forgotten within the first hour.

With this statistic in mind, it is surprising that our formal education system –our schools, colleges and universities— has primarily relied on conventional learning methods to deliver information. Until even a few decades ago, schools, colleges and even professional organizations saw learning happening through structured modules, courses and programs delivered by the ‘head’ of the class, typically a teacher or trainer, to a group of passive listeners.


With the Internet exploding with information resources and tools for learning, teachers can be facilitators of information with a greater emphasis on explanation and critical thinking as opposed to the dissemination source. Formal learning systems have in some cases been slower to adopt this model, rightfully concerned with accuracy of material and consistency; yet with ever increasing numbers of individuals accessing information in learning environments, the necessity of these formal systems to adopt technological change is very clear."


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Via EDTECH@UTRGV, juandoming, Gust MEES