Why Digital Transformation Won't Succeed Without Cultural Change | #ICT #Infographic #Digitalisierung | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
A lot of businesses frequently use the term Digital Transformation, but what does it actually mean?

We have become so accustomed to digital technology, we are no longer able to imagine life without it. And yet, when it comes to the digital transformation of the work environment, we still have a long way to go. The greatest obstacle for digital transformation is simply, people.

Make digital transformation a capability, not a project; transform operations not just customer experience #hbrwebinar @gwesterman

— Parag Gogate (@paraggogate) 18 août 2017

There are a number of things that don’t have to do with technical innovations that are going to make the process more complicated. That’s not to say that creating the proper infrastructure to accommodate the rapid pace of development is not going to be a major issue in and of itself. But a number of key factors in implementing digital solutions are related to people. And while is relatively easy to change and adapt to new technology, people are not.

Many global companies start to realize their business will be mostly digital within the coming years, but not many are really interested in dealing with the digital transformation.


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