Want to use Moodle for students without internet access? Check out MoodleBox – Moodle on Raspberry Pi | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
Are you looking to use Moodle for teaching internet deprived learners? Do you want to teach students without incurring any substantial infrastructure cost? Majority of learners now comes with their own devices like Tablets, Smartphones, or computers. How you can save your infrastructure cost when you are running on a shoestring budget and looking to use Moodle for a small group of learners?
The solution is MoodleBox – A Moodle platform on Raspberry Pi:

MoodleBox is a vagrant local development environment which provides Moodle on-line learning activities and file sharing through Raspberry Pi devices. In August 2016, I posted about the forum discussion about Moodle Box which has now come alive as the MoodleBox Project.

The Idea behind the project began in the French community forum discussion about the construction of a Moodle platform on a local computer, to provide an LMS in regions without any network infrastructure. The idea quickly moved towards building it with Raspberry Pi and make it accessible via Wi-Fi.

Via Miloš Bajčetić, Juergen Wagner