Moodle Office Integration: Pawn Sacrifice At The LMS Chessboard? | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
A young (and ongoing) discussion on Microsoft Office integration within Moodle, taking place on the Moodle Forums, is starting to look like a new instance of that old battle between two eternally clashing ideologies. The twist here is that, if the two do not concede something to one another in order to reach the next playing field, they will both probably perish, as EdTech teachers and students move forward, towards better integrated third-party services.

It all started when Damyon Wiese, Moodle HQ Development Team Manager, shared the news that their team were “doing some brainstorming” on possible office suite integration at the core. Voices were raised, including some decrying the very fact that such brainstorming was happening. More pragmatic users recognized the dependence of office suites, often vendor-specific, by large swaths of the Moodleverse. Back in November, Moodle CEO Martin Dougiamas suggested in an interview that partnerships with Google Apps and Office 365 were underway.

Via Miloš Bajčetić