Learning and Development
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Tire Review - Finding & Developing Future Leaders For Your Business

Tire Review - Finding & Developing Future Leaders For Your Business | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
At one time or another, all of us have needed to hire a manager or assistan...
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What did Confucius know about Knowledge Management?

What did Confucius know about Knowledge Management? | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Confucius is the next in my series of famous leaders on knowledge management, although he spoke much more about learning and wisdom than knowledge itself. Confucius introduced three key virtues:  R...
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How to develop a career in employee benefits - Employee Benefits

How to develop a career in employee benefits - Employee Benefits | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
How to develop a career in employee benefits
Employee Benefits
Provision of employee benefits qualifications and training is patchy. On-the-job training is a common approach to career development for many benefits professionals.
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Career Development is Key to Increasing Employee Engagement

Career Development is Key to Increasing Employee Engagement | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
In this guest post, New York Times best-selling author Kevin Sheridan shares insight on how career development has a direct impact on employee engagement.
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How Knowledge Management at The Rockefeller Foundation Drives C-Suite Decision Making

How Knowledge Management at The Rockefeller Foundation Drives C-Suite Decision Making | Learning and Development | Scoop.it

 12:00 Noon Eastern /// Wednesday 20 November 2013...

One of the key shortcomings Intelligence professionals face is, when they have the opportunity to present to the executives, they fail in providing high-impact delivery that can really influence executive decision-making. Join Scott Leeb, a long-time Intelligence crusader now serving as Managing Director of Knowledge Management at The Rockefeller Foundation, as he shares his 7 keys to high-impact delivery when readying yourself for a presentation to the C-suite.

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Why Employee Development Is Important, Neglected And Can Cost You Talent

Why Employee Development Is Important, Neglected And Can Cost You Talent | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
The study concluded that many of the best and brightest are not receiving the career development support they desire.
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Social Business Survey: Social Software and Employee Development

Social Business Survey: Social Software and Employee Development | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
In our recent survey on social business, we asked how important social software is to an organization’s activities in a number of internally oriented areas, including employee development.
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The Wikipedia Myth - Enterprise 2.0 Knowledge Management

Enterprise 2.0 - Knowledge Management A Revolution of Knowledge in Three Parts.

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge
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Teaching senior executives to cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous ... - Inland Press

Teaching senior executives to cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous ... - Inland Press | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Teaching senior executives to cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous ...
Inland Press
Inland has a 125-year tradition of training for every facet of the newspaper industry, with an emphasis on practical and positive results.
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Social Media versus Knowledge Management

Social Media versus Knowledge Management | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
On the surface, social media and knowledge management (KM) seem very similar. Both involve people using technology to access information. Both require individuals to create information intended for...
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3 Simple Ways to Increase Employee Productivity - Business 2 Community

3 Simple Ways to Increase Employee Productivity - Business 2 Community | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Business 2 Community 3 Simple Ways to Increase Employee Productivity Business 2 Community Employee development could be as simple as dedicating thirty minutes a day to reading industry related blogs, or conducting specific trainings to learn new...
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Social media engages employees and increases productivity, according to Deloitte’s Centre for the Edge - WhaTech

Social media engages employees and increases productivity, according to Deloitte’s Centre for the Edge - WhaTech | Learning and Development | Scoop.it

by Jennifer Germano:

"Peter Williams, Deloitte’s Chief Edge Officer, said even though the average Australian spends around 22 hours using social media each week, many organisations are unaware how the smart use of these skills can improve productivity and engagement.

The recently released report, Rethinking social media: Building the social organisation through HR, produced by the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) and Deloitte’s Centre for the Edge, examines social media usage by HR practitioners.

“Social media is becoming increasingly important as a way of building an organisation’s social capital” (refer definition below), said Mr Williams. “Social tools help organisations connect networks of people, promote idea sharing among their employees and drives innovation. Tapping into the collective wisdom of an employee base can help an organisation ‘know what it knows’ more quickly than relying on more traditional knowledge management systems.”

Via Karen du Toit
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Making Learning Stick in Asian Organisations by Creating a ...

Making Learning Stick in Asian Organisations by Creating a ... | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
In organisations world-wide, the notion of learning and development is evolving from event-based, episodic interventions to a learning environment that transcends the boundaries of the classroom, re-thinking the role of ...
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Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company

Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Managers are bombarded with an almost constant stream of data every day. Read this article to find out three key reasons why actively managing knowledge is important to a company’s success.
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Workday - Knowledge Management Release Manager

Workday - Knowledge Management Release Manager | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Knowledge Management Release Manager - Do you want to actually look forward to Monday mornings? You can at Workday! We embody the qualities of a great company, offer world-class products and services, listen to our employees, empower creativity ...
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Using an LMS for public sector knowledge manage...

Using an LMS for public sector knowledge manage... | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Knowledge management is a high priority within the public sector. An easy-to-use LMS makes knowledge management possible and effective.
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Creating a Culture of Innovation - Wired

Creating a Culture of Innovation - Wired | Learning and Development | Scoop.it
Creating a Culture of Innovation
Understanding that the lessons that you learn from failure leads to success is the key to any learning organization.
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